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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Things I Just Don't Understand

Simply put, these are things I just don't understand. 

Rate or comment!

1)  Why do girls automatically hate any other girl that seems to have a happy moment?  Do we not ever have happy moments ourselves to satisfy us?  Besides, don't we understand that those girls most likely are just as insecure as we are?  Just accept your own happiness.

2)  How does the garbage can get full so quickly?  Seriously.  I buy a larger garbage can but it seems to need taken out even more than the last one.

3)  Why does the "Elmo's World" song get in my head all the time?  I've never even watched that show.

4)  Why are some of the ugliest clothing items the most expensive?  Cream-colored, oversized, camoflauge-lined, scratchy sweater with sequins, buttons, and zippers in impractical places?-- Sure let me get out my credit card so I can buy one for every day of the week.

5)  Why do guys expect girls to get ready as quickly as they do?  We use more shower products, shave more areas, wear more clothing items, we pluck our eyebrows, apply various different types of makeup, and if we have long, naturally curly hair-- there's no way we're going to brush it and go.  Oh, you like what my hair looks like completely natural?  How did you get ahold of my middle school pictures? 
Lord knows my hair hasn't been without products since before I watched "The Princess Diaries."

6)  Along those same lines, hair brushes are not magic.  Eyeliner is not magic.  Every beauty product unfortunately has to be used with another one.  So don't get excited.

7)  Why do I grind my teeth at night?  And don't say stress-- I know fully well that I'm stressed.  But what exactly is going on in my mind that makes it seem like a perfectly great idea to scrape my teeth on each other until it hurts-- and makes that awful noise that makes me want to run my fingers down a chalkboard just for relief?  Anything but that!

8)  Why buy something just because it's cheap?  It's going to end up on the bottom of your closet floor, and you only wear about 15 different outfits over and over anyways.  Bargains are simply awesome... if they happen to be attached to something you need.

9)  Why is cleaning so awful?  It gives me a better environment to live in.  I can be more productive in a clean room.  I absolutely love being in a clean room.  I don't like stealing plastic utensils as gnats cover my used utensils I haven't washed in three weeks. 
Sometimes cleaning is a stress relief, even! 
And why do I only clean when I have to do something else?  Or when someone comes over and is sitting on a clothes-covered dorm chair?  Why is it the seemingly biggest tragedy in the world to put away laundry I just washed?

10)  Why is TV so awful?  I'm not even going to go there.  I could get my Ph.D. in Television Degradation. 

11)  Why do people argue over absolutely EVERYTHING?  Why do we have to have only Republicans and Democrats?  Why does only one view have to be the all-encompassing truth?  What if neither are true?  What if a little bit of both are true?  How the heck will we ever know the absolute truth?  Why do we hate people with other views like its a sport and we're training for the olympic event in that sport?  Why do we not even realize that we are hating?

12)  Why can't I ever get away with a prank or a joke?  I couldn't lie to save my life.  I blush and quiver and smile and giggle.   
Isn't there a story about a president and a tree and the line "I cannot tell a lie"...?  (Wow, A.D.D. moment).

13)  Why do we kiss?  I mean, have you ever thought of the first kiss moment... how did they figure that out?  Oh, well we eat with our mouths and talk with mouths, so we might as well slap them together and see what other great things can come about!

14)  Was Black Friday created so people would be out and about all sweaty, nervous, competitive, and physical in order to cancel out their Thanksgiving Day weight gain?  Hmmmmmm.

15)  Why are conspiracy theories so cool?

16)  Why are murder mysteries so cool?

17)  Why was every single thing in the entire world so scary when I was little?

18)  Why is every single thing in the entire world so scary now?

19)  Wherefore art Shakespeare teacheth so often in adolescent education?  I may be an English teacher or professor someday but so help me God, I do not want to teach Shakespeare.

20)  Why do so many girls love cheesy romantic comedies?  There's so much I could say.  Maybe I'll leave that for another blog.

21)  Why do restaurants give you so much ice?  I want to taste my drink, not a watered down version of my drink.  I also would rather not have ice come up and smack me in the face.

22)  Why do guys think aggression makes them masculine and showing emotions makes them feminine?

23)  Why are muffins so bad for you?  They taste like the healthier version of a cupcake, but they aren't.  Muffins are deceptive liars!  Well, that was redundantly repetitive.  ;)

24)  Why do I always seem to think that there are more than 24 hours in a day that day?

25)  Why do I think I can change the outcome in a movie if I pay attention really well and hope that the character doesn't make the wrong choice that they made the last time I watched it.

26)  Why do we take pictures of absolutely everything?  I am so guilty of this.  Sometimes I miss real life moments on a trip because I am looking at the LCD screen of the camera.

27)  Why does it feel like a threat to our survival when we talk to someone and they don't hear us and answer?  Everyone around you has had that happen to them, too!  They don't want to kill you and take off with your liver just because you were accidentally ignored.

28)  Why do people take out their anger on their most precious items?  Darn you, game!  It's your fault that I lost this round even though you are completely unbiased and I just didn't do well because I've been playing this game for six hours and I'm tired.  I will throw this controller against the wall and then jump on it until it is in 374 pieces.  That'll teach you to think twice about hurting my pride!  Oh wait.

29)  Why am I writing this?

30)  Why is the word "why" spelled w-h-y?

Hope you enjoyed.  :)  Give me ideas for another blog!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

What the World Needs Now

What the world really needs is more selflessness.

More people who find it difficult to stand up for themselves, even.

Because then, there would be no NEED for justification, defensiveness, or putting your guard up to make sure you're not hurt or walked on.

There would be no need for lawyers, and therefore there would be less of the crooked lawyers out there.

There would be less need for counseling.

There would be less need out there in general.

What the world needs is a shift from the "what can the world do for me" to the "what can I do for the world."

This attitude of perceived need is often justified, but sometimes, we have to just pick up our brokennes, realize it could be worse, and do what we have to to make things better.  Even if it was not our fault. 

But ESPECIALLY if it was our fault.

Self pity is a disease.

It sinks in under clever disguises.

It can hide under jargon.

Sometimes it feels like depression.

Self pity is chronic alright, but we can treat it ourselves.

Its loyalty and usefulness can seem so real and tangible, but truly, it is a pest.  A downfall of humanity.  A disease that you pass on to your children and your children's children.

What the world needs is more keep on keeping on.  We let consequences hold us back, when sometimes consequences are there in order to teach us.  A lot of times they teach us that avoidance feels safe but is our enemy.  A lot of times they teach us (even if they are not our fault) to push forward and learn from it, becoming stronger, wiser, more resilient, and emotionally stable than before.

Oftentimes, the world is enabled in its avoidance.  This can be as emotionally detrimental as drug use.  Enablers are selfless, loyal loved ones- the way the world should be.

But then there would be a perfect world...

And who wants that?


Thank goodness I am in this world but not of it.