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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

What does depression feel like?

Depression comes on out of nowhere
It can open up the mind to see details you've never seen before
The sag of the clouds
The dry, haylike grass and the yearning creek
The blue tint in the green leaves of a few trees

Or depression can close your mind 
Making you drop something you forget you just picked up
Missing the smile on the stranger in front of you
Not noticing your pet looking over at you with loving animal eyes

It can bring on physical illness
Your throat hurts
You feel cold--
Or too hot--
Or cycling everywhere in between
Your head hurts
Your cheeks feel warm
Your body is

Or maybe you're mostly numb
Not just physically
But like nothing much matters
You have that insatiable question,
But don't really want to answer

Depression makes you feel like a slave
To your own body
Needing to feed it
And bathe it
Everyday tasks
Sucking down your effort
That you're not even going to use
Even lying in bed avoiding everything
Feels like work

Nausea, anxiety, anger, worry
A soreness
Deep inside your core
Fused in muscle and organ and bone

It feels like it's not going anywhere
But you've been here before
So you know it'll leave when it wants

But for now, 
You want to be alone
Even when you already are alone

It seems like you could sleep for days,
And, really,
You'd love to sleep until 

When will it be over?

You might forget to eat
Or eat too much

You might not clean anything including yourself
Or you may go on a cleaning rampage

You might want to go for a run
But then realize you have 

No motivation
Not caring for much of anything
Certainly not yourself

Depression is not just passing angst
It sits cozily in your soul smiling
Like the Chesire Cat

It is like grief that has no emotional or circumstantial cause
It is clinical

But you must fight.

Because even though it may never leave, 
You will always survive.

In fact, you will thrive.