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Sunday, December 9, 2012

YAY! I complete my bachelor's degree in one week! Sound the trumpets!

Me a month ago:

I'm graduating soon.

Psh!  SO WHAT?!
Thank the heavens above it's finally here.

Feels like I should have graduated FIFTY years ago!

Now I'm going to finally be treated like an adult!

Me today:

Welp, I graduate in a week.

Hmmmm, ok. 

That's cool that I won't be stressed over homework and stuff.

I won't have to deal with annoying people.

But I'm really going to miss my friends and my boyfriend.

Yeah, now I have to go get a job.  I have to start paying loan bills.  I have to move back in with my parents.  I have to live far away from friends I used to live in the same building with, and I can't walk to everywhere anymore.

Hmmmm, ok.

I actually really like learning.  I'm going to miss classes and homework and papers.  I'll miss projects and studying and group work.  I'm going to miss intellectual discussion and helpful professors around all the time.

Why did I complain about all this so much?

At least I won't have to live in a crowded, lonely, small, cold, messy room.  Oh wait... that's what my room at home is like.

At least my supportive family and snuggly dog will be there!  But even they get on my nerves sometimes.

At least I can have better food!  But it won't be readily available to me, with lots of variety, cooked, and served to me with a smile at any moment I'd like.

Why must everything have pros and cons?  Or maybe, it should just be my perspectives that shift.  Instead, every time I face change (or dwell in boring familiarity), I always seem to find the cons, and fixate on them.

Maybe, I should just look on the bright side and accept change with the inner strength of a WARRIOR WOMAN ready to prowl for success in any situation she is handed!

But, instead, I always seem to avoid the scariness of life with jokes, food, or even naps.  I like napping.  I like eating.  I like laughing.


1)  Create food masterpieces without making the kitchen too much of a mess so I don't have to clean much!  A challenge fit for a high-stakes reality TV show!

2)  Take a bath.  NO.  Take a bubble bath.  I'm also going to play in the water with toys like I did when I was little, giving the toys different voices and epic stories like the Barbie who needed her Ken doll to go to the moon to get a chemical that could cure her ridiculously rare and obscure disease.  (I'm not joking... I remember creating this when I was in elementary.)

3)  Write a song.  Yeah, I've done this sooooo many times, but THIS one will really be good!  And, I won't lose the paper I write it on.  Genius.

4)  Get up to the sun shining.  Do my eyebrows.  Take a long, luxurious shower.  Shave.  Do a face mask.  Lotion entire body.  Practice make up tricks learned on youtube.  Secretly spray oneself with mother's perfume.  Do toenails and fingernails fancily.  Pick out a new outfit combination.  Try to walk in heels.  Do hair laboriously with FIFTY different hair products to protect it until nearly happy with it (I'll never be completely happy with my hair).  Dance around in front of mirror.  Practice British accent.  Reapply makeup as it has probably faded already by now.  Then take it all off, take another shower, and go to sleep because I'm wore out by now.

5)  Write a novel.  About something that makes absolutely no sense.  But I trick everyone into thinking it makes sense.  And THEN, when they try to make a movie of it, everyone realizes just how incredibly ridiculous it is and also, how persuasive words are and how much cooler books are than movies.  MUHAHAHAHAHAHA.

6)  Solve a mystery.  I've always wanted to do this.  Next stop, mysterious woods behind house!  [Looks at creepy woods where I saw blanket and tent at before and heard noises.]  Meh, maybe I'll just watch Sherlock again...

7)  Make some money by creating something!  I've always wanted to make my own livelihood by using my own creativity.  I need to invent something!  Or make some sort of artwork!  Hmmm... I'll take a photography class!  But then, I'd have to go back to school......

8)  Set a world record.  Maybe I could make a name for myself this way!  What about woman with most loan interest?  Or woman who cries herself to sleep the most?  Or, no I've got it!  Woman with most time spent on internet!  [Pathetic violin music.]

9)  Go live in a cabin alone in the woods.  This is a recurring theme in literature, so it has to be good!

10)  Do other people's homework for them.  I think this sounds kind of fun.  Kind of immoral, but still kind of fun.  As long as there's money involved.

[By the way, if you could not tell yet, all of these ideas are completely sarcastic.  I know that I will get a job eventually and this next step in my life will go more smoothly than I imagine.  I trust in God and I trust in the hard work I have done myself these past four and a half years.  It's just funny to write in our own moments of fear.  I've found it to be absolutely true that humor is just relating to other people in exagerrated ways.]

Here.  Have a puppy picture.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww.  MUST.  CUDDLE.  PUPPY.  >:)

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