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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

True Life: I'm a Vampire

Welcome to my blog!  I do have to admit that it will be quite difficult for me to not have structure, and even when I try to not have structure, it will look like a form of structure (though there will be some mistakes, believe me).  So just bear with me... I was trying to be quirky.  ;)

So... this is the last day before I go back to Bluffton!  I cannot believe it!  Each summer seems to go by even more quickly than the last.  This aging process and the fact that time is unable to be escaped is kind of scary!  I continue to remind myself to stop thinking about the future because when it comes, it's the present!  And I've been waiting for this present for a while. 

I'm 21, and I'm a senior in college.  I thought a lot of things would be different than what they are today, but I need to remember that God's plan is SO much better than my own.  I need to relish each day!  I need to be the person I want to be NOW! 

No magical event is going to make me the person I want to be in the future; I have to work towards becoming that person over time! :)  I listened to a sermon online last night that a friend sent me, and a quote that stood out to me was this: "The present will become the past and be present in your future!"  That's kind of confusing at first, but if we focus on it we realize that it is so true.  We need to work on our relationships, getting our consistent sin life cleared up, our goals and priorities, the way we act, our heart, our mind, our relationship with Christ all in order NOW!  Because the future is coming soon, and if we are not prepared internally to handle it, then we won't accomplish all those goals God put on our hearts.  I know I'm going to work harder from now on because someday I'm going to be doing great things for Christ (and I can be doing great things today!)

Having said that, today I feel lazy.  Tired and lazy.  I've already packed quite a bit, but though I'm all pumped up about working on the internal, I'm not very pumped up about working on this room of mine.  It does get easier now that I've packed a bajillion times to go to and from Bluffton, but I feel like taking a nap rather than making sure everything is in order.  My dad told me not to take a nap because then tonight I won't be able to sleep.  I don't sleep at night very often anyways.

And for that, my father is actually to blame.

Let me explain.

You see, my dad turned me into a vampire.

The other day I watched a movie called Dracula's Daughter with my dad.  It actually wasn't too bad.  She didn't really enjoy being a vampire, but in the end, her obsession over an intelligent man made her go off the deep end a little.  She wanted him to help her, but instead of just asking for help, she took his love interest hostage and tried to capture him and wisk him away when he came to save her.  She had a Phantom of the Opera quality to her... plus fake eyelashes and eyebrows too high for her face (why did they want them to look surprised all the time in those days?).

Growing up, I watched a lot of old movies with my parents.  It was so special to me... especially because it made me set apart from my age group.  No one else knew who Gregory Peck, Jimmy Stewart, or Clark Gable was... they were too busy obsessing over Justin Timberlake and the likes (No Justin, it's not "Gonna Be [You]").  Old movies were like a secret world to me, where I could learn about love, comedy, science ficton, classic literature, and even God!

I usually watched old '50s science fiction and horror with my dad.  The Wolfman, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Incredible Shrinking Man, Frankenstein, Godzilla, The Twilight Zone (I was the only fifth grader who knew what the real meaning of "To Serve Man"), etc. etc.  So I kinda of blame my dad for my obsession with vampires and such.  Sometimes, we would be watching a movie and then right when it was getting to the climax, I'd hear those fateful, heart-dropping three words: "brush.  your.  teeth."

Why on earth would I go to bed now?  What's going to happen?  I need to study this, Dad-- I'm going to be a famous writer/actress/director/leader of the free world someday!

So, I became a little bit of a rebel.  I had smarts, why not use them?  I would whine and plead and negotiate and present my case. 

Let's just say that that didn't work.

So I started staying up in my room.  My brother wasn't always the most excited about it (we shared a room then), but I was usually pretty good at talking him into it.  I was watching the end of movies, music videos (I liked country then...), TV shows, and even the news!... all with the volume down.  Every so often, I'd sneak to turn the volume up a little, and my mom would sneak into our room to tell us to turn it down a little (my parents are opposites in many respects haha).

As I grew older, this obsession with staying up didn't dwindle.  I just couldn't fall asleep at night.  I had so many things to think about and pray about and plan!  My life was ahead of me, why go to sleep when there was much to do?!  My best writing was done after midnight.  My best Bible reading happened when it was almost time for the sun to come up.  I realized more about myself when I stayed up and reflected on the day.

Well, during the summers, I was staying up until the wee hours of the morning, and this made my sleeping schedule a little different than the norm.  I wouldn't wake up until 2pm sometimes, and I was embarassed of this fact.  I felt like I had wasted a lot of my day, but I couldn't sleep at night anymore.

And then... I started craving blood.

LOL just kidding, just kidding, just kidding.

But anyways, my dad started calling me "Vampira" after that.  I wasn't too keen on that.  My dad is addicted to his own sleep schedule.  Early to bed, early to rise.  I was and am the exact opposite.

But, as you undoubtedly can now see, by exposing me to awesome movies that would go past our bedtime, he made me that way!
I rest my case.