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Friday, November 16, 2012

What the World Needs Now

What the world really needs is more selflessness.

More people who find it difficult to stand up for themselves, even.

Because then, there would be no NEED for justification, defensiveness, or putting your guard up to make sure you're not hurt or walked on.

There would be no need for lawyers, and therefore there would be less of the crooked lawyers out there.

There would be less need for counseling.

There would be less need out there in general.

What the world needs is a shift from the "what can the world do for me" to the "what can I do for the world."

This attitude of perceived need is often justified, but sometimes, we have to just pick up our brokennes, realize it could be worse, and do what we have to to make things better.  Even if it was not our fault. 

But ESPECIALLY if it was our fault.

Self pity is a disease.

It sinks in under clever disguises.

It can hide under jargon.

Sometimes it feels like depression.

Self pity is chronic alright, but we can treat it ourselves.

Its loyalty and usefulness can seem so real and tangible, but truly, it is a pest.  A downfall of humanity.  A disease that you pass on to your children and your children's children.

What the world needs is more keep on keeping on.  We let consequences hold us back, when sometimes consequences are there in order to teach us.  A lot of times they teach us that avoidance feels safe but is our enemy.  A lot of times they teach us (even if they are not our fault) to push forward and learn from it, becoming stronger, wiser, more resilient, and emotionally stable than before.

Oftentimes, the world is enabled in its avoidance.  This can be as emotionally detrimental as drug use.  Enablers are selfless, loyal loved ones- the way the world should be.

But then there would be a perfect world...

And who wants that?


Thank goodness I am in this world but not of it.

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